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    PIC Robotics A Beginner's Guide to Robotics Projects Using the PIC Micro by John Iovine

    John Iovine - PIC Robotics: A Beginner's Guide to Robotics Projects Using the PIC Micro
    2004 | ISBN: 0071373241 | English | 274 pages | PDF | 31 MB

    Here's everything the robotics hobbyist needs to harness the power of the PICMicro MCU!
    In this heavily-illustrated resource, author John Iovine provides plans and complete parts lists for 11 easy-to-build robots each with a PICMicro "brain. The expertly written coverage of the PIC Basic Computer makes programming a snap – and lots of fun.

    PS : If You got an error while extracting while others are working try diferent directory path in your PC. Somtimes if you got a long directory path while extracting it will giv you an error. To solve this issue , as an example just paste the tgz file in C drive and extract (just inside the C drive not with in any other folder). Hope your Understand

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